First kind-of-playable version

Welcome to my first devlog about my game, Far East. It's not my first game, but I'm still kind of a noob at game development, and this project is both to have fun (for me and hopefully future players) and learn more.

The game is supposed to be set in a not too distant future, where the world is completely burnt down and no one really rules anymore. The only law is that of guns.

As Engine I'm using Godot, because I'm really comfortable with it, and it's the one I know best. I don't have much spare time, so probably updates won't be very constant.

Anyway, here are the current features:

  • Player can join by their name
  • You can mode around with WASD and shoot with mouse click
  • You gain experience when you kill an enemy player
  • Of course, you loose life when you're hit

I'm still deciding how to handle the map, for now it's just a simple tile set. I'll probably make a set of different maps a player can travel to, but if I figure a way to make them seamlessly connected by loading required information about nearby players I'll do it.

The project is a bit of a challenge since networking isn't easy, especially not being lobby based. Basically every new feature added there's a concurrency bug... but I'll try to tackle them one by one ;)

Again, feel free to let me know anything about the game!

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